The College DLLE unit started in the year 2018-19, and to date, it is very active in the community extension program. The Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension (DLLE) in a law college typically focuses on providing educational opportunities beyond traditional degree programs. It aims to promote legal awareness and empower individuals through various outreach programs and courses. Involving students in community service projects that address legal issues faced by underprivileged groups. There are different projects undertaken as extension programs, such as the Status of Women in the Society (SWS), Consumer Guidance Project (CGP), and Population Education Club.
The Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension (DLLE) of our college actively works for societal development throughout the year. In one of the instances, the unit of our college has shown gratitude towards the efforts of Mumbai Police who work hard for maintaining law and order in the society. The prime agenda of this community work programme was the distribution of health and hygiene kits to all police officers working under the jurisdiction of Chiragnagar Police Station, Ghatkopar. This is the small token of appreciation for their philanthropic work which they are doing continuously. In another instance, on the event of World Health Day the DLLE unit of the college in collaboration with Surana Sethia Hospital and Research Center has organized a Free medical check-up camp which turned out to be beneficial for many nearby crowds along with the staffs and students of the college.