7400454471 / 9082247843 info@hvpslawcollege.edu.in Ghatkopar West, Mumbai-400086. Maharashtra, India.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

About Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell was established in the academic year 2020-2021. It functions on the basis of the guidelines set forth by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). It aids all the committees of the college to work towards achieving the vision and mission of the institution.

One of the primary aims of IQAC is maintenance and improvement of the quality of education. It gives equal importance to supplementary activities to strengthen the teaching-learning process. IQAC facilitates the academic and professional development of teaching staff as well as students. It fosters the environment of holistic development of all stakeholders that interact with the institution.

2021-22 : IQAC Members

2020-21 :IQAC Members


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar Teaching Staff, Co-ordinator
2 Dr. Rajendra Singh Management Representative
3 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar I/C Principal
4 Dr. Himanshu Dawda I/C Principal, RJ College
5 Mrs. Prajakta Deorukhkar Head Clerk
6 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Co-Co-ordinator
7 Mr. Amar Salve Teaching Staff
8 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Teaching Staff
9 Ms. Neha Naik Librarian
10 Mr. Jayesh Kanade Non-Teaching Staff
11 Ms. Ieccha Pokale Alumnus/Alumna
12 Adv. Dharmesh Mehta Employer/Industrialist
13 Ms. Mohit Begum Student Representative
14 Ms. Reena Kotian Student Representative

College Women Development Cell (CWDC)

In accordance with the UGC Regulation, the college has set up the Women Development Cell.

Anti-ragging Cell

Counselling Cell

The Counselling Cell enables the students to address and help resolve emotional, psychological and personal issues of the students. For a healthy mind and body, the Counselling Cell aims to facilitate personal well-being of the students through support and counselling of a trained counselor.


  1. To help the students in solving their personal, educational, emotional and psychological issues.
  2. To create awareness about problems related to mental health of students.
  3. To create awareness about the importance of mental health amongst students.
  4. To create a safer environment for students, facing psychological issues that impact their overall performance.
  5. To help the students in problem-solving
  6. To aid students suffering from anxiety and depression to overcome them.

Sports Association

The Sports Association is formed to encourage a healthy competition and team-spirit among the students. The college conducts Annual Sports that involve both indoor and outdoor sports activities.


  1. It helps to inculcate values of team-spirit and respect of self and other among students.
  2. To promote both individual and group discipline through sportspersonship.
  3. To encourage students to participate in sports activities and lead healthier lives.

Sports Committee

Sr.No. Name Position
1 Mr. Pandidhar Mariselva Sports Manager
2 Mr. Amar Salve Co-ordinator
3 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Member
4 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar Member
5 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Member

Life Long Learning and Extension (LLLE)

The Department of Life Long Learning and Extension (DLLE) has been recognized as a statutory Department of the University of Mumbai and an essential in extension and learning. Students enrolling under DLLE are trained in terms of extension activities by undertaking projects and surveys to conduct an investigative study into the status of women in society.

Admission Committee


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar I/C Principal, Chairperson
2 Mrs. Prajakta Deorukhkar Head Clerk, Member
3 Mr. Amar Salve Teaching Faculty, Member
4 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar Teaching Faculty, Member
5 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Teaching Faculty, Member
6 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Teaching Faculty, Member
7 Ms. Neha Naik Librarian, Member
8 Mr. Umesh Kamble Library Attendant, Member

Examination Committee


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar Chief Controller of Examinations, I/C Principal
2 Mr. Amar Salve Chairperson- LL.B (3 years course)
3 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Chairperson- B.L.S./LL.B (5 years course)
4 Mrs. Prajakta Deorukhkar Deputy Controller, Head Clerk, Member
5 Ms. Neha Naik Member
6 Mr. Umesh Kamble Member

Unfair Means Enquiry Committee

The Unfair Means Enquiry Committee has been set up as per the University of Mumbai Ordinance O.5050

Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar Chairperson
2 Mr. Amar Salve Member
3 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Member
4 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar Member
5 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Member

Grievance Redressal Committee

The College Grievance Redressal Committee has been set up in accordance with UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2018


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar Chairperson
2 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar IQAC Coordinator
3 Mr. Amar Salve Member
4 Ms. Gretta Castelino Member
5 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Member
6 2 Students Members

Cultural Association

In line with the Fundamental Duty in Part IVA of the Indian Constitution- “To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities”, the Cultural Association of our college works to instil the importance of our diversified yet united “Great Indian Culture” into the students by conducting activities by celebrating various festivals. The association serves as a platform to encourage students to participate and showcase their creative talents through the various events that are celebrated in the college.


  1. To promote and organize diverse cultural activities by organizing workshops, competitions and programmes.
  2. To enhance an aesthetic thought process among students.
  3. To encourage students to participate in creative and cultural activities.


  1. The Cultural Committee shall be responsible for all intra and inter collegiate cultural events.
  2. To plan and schedule cultural events for the academic year.
  3. To apply for the formal permissions, arrange venue and arrange mementos for guests and Trophies Medals and certificates for the participants.


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Mr. Amar Salve Co-ordinator
2 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Member
3 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar Member
4 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Member
5 Ms. Ankita Dogra Member
6 Team of Students Volunteers

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

About Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

The Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted as per the mandate of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Rules under The Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. The directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement dated 13th August, 1997 in the case of Vishakha and Others vs. State of Rajasthan and Others on the subject of sexual harassment of women in the workplace had promulgated guidelines to deal with such cases.

Its overall function is to address all issues related to sexual harassment at the workplace and has thus created an internal POSH policy. The Committee implements the policy relating to the prevention of sexual harassment. It accepts complaints, investigates into them and submits a report recommending action to be taken by the employer. It also conducts awareness programs to foster a safe working environment for women.


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. Mrs. Madhura Kalamkar Chairperson
2 Mrs. Saisha Ghosalkar Member
3 Mrs. Prajakta Deorukhakar Member
4 Mr. Amar Salve Member (Law background)
5 Adv. Zahabiya Kanthawala External Member

Additional Reading:

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act and Rule 2013: http://legislative.gov.in/actsofparliamentfromtheyear/sexual-harassment-women-workplace-prevention-prohibition-and-redressal
Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: https://wcd.nic.in/act/handbook-sexual-harassment-women-workplace

Cultural Association

In line with the Fundamental Duty in Part IVA of the indian Constitution- “To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities”, the Cultural Association of our college works to instil the importance of our diversified yet united “Great Indian Culture” into the students by conducting activities by celebrating various festivals. The association serves as a platform to encourage students to participate and showcase their creative talents through the various events that are celebrated in the college.


  1. To promote and organize diverse cultural activities by organizing workshops, competitions and programmes.
  2. To enhance an aesthetic thought process among students.
  3. To encourage students to participate in creative and cultural activities.

Magazine Committee


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar Chairperson
2 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Editor-in-chief
3 Ms. Saisha Ghosalkar Editor
4 Mr. Amar Salve Editor
5 Ms. Gretta Maria Castelino Member
6 Ms. Neha Naik Member
7 2 Students Members

Library Committee

About Library Committee

The Library Committee has been set up to frame a set of general rules pertaining to the library. These rules are regularly reviewed and updated. The committee also brainstorms on measures to be adopted to increase the usage of the resources and services provided. An integral function is to prepare a budget and allocate resources towards development of the library.

Members on the committee recommend acquisition of books, magazines, journals and subscription to e-resources. The committee ensures optimum utilization of space and adequate availability of infrastructure to the users. It also takes feedback from users and enacts appropriate measures for improvement.


Sr.No. Name Position
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar Chairperson
2 Mr. Amar Salve Member
3 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Member
4 Ms. Neha Naik Convener

Alumni Association

With every class passing out each year, it helps the institution grow with more responsibilities and experience. The college aims to bring together all the past students to continue to assist the growth of our college. Thus, the college has formed an ‘Alumni Wing’ to keep this bond growing in love and nourishment. The college believes that there is no end to acquiring knowledge, therefore, all our Alumni have an open access to the Alumni wing. The college keeps the alumni updated about the activities through a Telegram group

Please Click here to join Alumni Association:https://forms.gle/VPNM3KxanTT45Qkk9

Sr.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Madhura Kalamkar Chairperson
2 Mr. Amar Salve Member
3 Ms. Eveta Fernandes Member

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